Adams 14 Leaning Wheel Grader
We acquired an Adams 12 that we restored. I spotted an Adams 14 on top of a 50’ cut slope on Highway 93 just south of Polson Montana. It sat there for years and probably 5000 cars a day passed it by never noticing it was there. Many of my forestry/logging friends I ride with are scanning the hillside for elk, I’m scanning the farmers field for old iron.
It was owned by the Adams family (No relation) and a couple times a year, I’d stop in and say hi and to see if they’d change their minds about donating it to our museum. This went on for several years and one day Mr. Adams called me and asked if we’re still interested in the grader. I had to control my voice on the phone, but inside I was YES, YES!!! They we’re moving and needed it moved. We contacted a gravel pit across the highway to borrow their front-end loader to get it off the hill and loaded. A little cross-country pulling the grader and ready to load. I still don’t know how much the grader weighs, but the front-end loader couldn’t list it. It took loading each end, and backing underneath it with the trailer.
We did some work on it, but was in fantastic shape, so we left it in it’s “Work Clothes”. This beast is massive. We’ve pulled it with our Cat 60 as well as a Case Steam engine.
It’s known as a “Leaning Wheel Grader”. There is a handle/gear that tilts the front wheels, a handle/gear that tilts the back wheels, a handle/gear that side shifts the rear axle, a handle/gear that side shifts the moldboard, a handle/gear that lifts/lowers the blade/moldboard, Though extremely heavy, the gear reduction on the blade is so precise, you can fine grade like a modern grader.
These teamed up with a Cat 60, built and maintained thousands of miles of state and county roads for decades.
Thanks to the Adams for donating the grader to the museum.