History of forestry 1908-1911



First Forest Experiment Station established in Fort Valley, Arizona on the Coconino National Forest.


May 23, Forest Service Law, aka, 25% Law, Payments to states for schools increased to 25% of receipts from timber sales, grazing permits and recreation, based upon the number of acres of national forest they contain.


E. H. Harriman of the Union Pacific (Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company) and James J. Hill of the Northern Pacific Railway Company begin a battle to be the first to survey a rail line from Lolo Creek to Lewiston Idaho down the Lochsa. Each trying to gain control of key locations along the way. Both built separate trails and bridges side by side, not allowing the competitors surveyors to use their trails and footbridges. Often posting armed guards at their bridges to prevent passage. Not until Harriman died, did the race stop. With the death of Harriman, so did the desire for the Union Pacific (Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company) to complete the survey. When the challenge was gone, the Northern Pacific Railway Company also abandoned the project.


President Roosevelt issues Proclamations establishing:

Muir Woods National Monument, California, (on land donated to the Federal government for that purpose by civic reformer and future Congressman William Kent)

Grand Canyon National Monument, Arizona

Pinnacles National Monument, California

Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota

Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah

4Lewis and Clark Cavern National Monument, Montana

Wheeler National Monument, Colorado

July 1, Beaverhead National Forest, established, Dillon Montana with 1,810,820 acres. Established from parts of Big Hole, Bitter Root and Hell Gate. December 16, 1931 lands added from Madison.


July 1, Deerlodge National Forest established Butte Montana with 1,080,220 acres. Established from parts of Big Hole and Hell Gate. December 16, 1931 lands from Madison and Missoula added.


July 1, Clearwater National Forest, established, Orofino, Idaho with 2,687,860 acres. Established from parts of Coeur d’ Alene and Bitter Root. October 29, 1943 part of Selway added.


July 1, Kaniksu National Forest, established, Sandpoint, Idaho with 950,740 acres. Established from parts of Priest River. September 30, 1933, part of Pend Oreille added. July 1, 1954, part of Cabinet added. July 1, 1973, Combined administratively with Coeur d’ Alene and St Joe, known as Panhandle National Forest.


July 2, Custer National Forest, established, Billings Montana with 590,720 acres. Originally established as Otter, on March 2, 1907, renamed Custer on July 2, 1908. January 13, 1920, entire Sioux added. February 17, 1932, part of Beartooth added.


July 1, Nez Perce National Forest, established, Grangeville, Idaho with 1,946,340 acres.

Established from parts of Bitter Root and Weiser. October 29, 1934, part of Selway added.


July 1, Beartooth National Forest established from part of Yellowstone and the entire Pryor Mountains with 685,293 acres. February 17, 1932, entire forest divided between Absaroka and Custer.


July 1, Blackfeet National Forest established with 1,956,340 acres. June 22, 1935 entire forest divided between Flathead and Kootenai; name discontinued.


July 1, Jefferson National Forest established by consolidation of Little Belt, Little Rockies Snowy Mountains and Highwood with 1,255,320 acres. April 8, 1932, entire forest transferred to Lewis and Clark; name discontinued. 


 July 1, Sioux National Forest established by consolidation of Cave Hills, Ekalaka, Long Pine, Short Pine and Slim Butte with 249,653 acres. January 13, 1920 entire forest transferred to Custer; name discontinued.



Congress passes "An Act To create the Calaveras Bigtree National Forest,"

4Authorizing the acquisition of lands in California to protect stands of Sequoia.


March 4, Appropriation for experimentation and demonstration in destroying noxious animals.


Western Forestry and Conservation Association is formed.


Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad is completed through Montana.


First Montana State Forester is appointed.


December 27, Gifford Pinchot said in a paper, “It is the honorable distinction of the forest Service that it has been more constantly, more violently, and more bitterly attacked by the representatives of special interests in recent years than any other government bureau.”



January, Big Blackfoot Milling Company is sold to Big Blackfoot Lumber Company.


Having publicly leveled charges of official impropriety against Secretary of the Interior Richard A. Ballinger, on January 7, Gifford Pinchot is dismissed from government service by President Taft. Henry Graves takes over as Chief of the Forest Service.


Pinchot turns to pressing for implementation of his policies through the National Conservation Association, which he had founded the previous year (it in turn had developed out of the Conservation League of America, which Pinchot had founded in 1908) Pinchot serves as the Association's President from 1910 until it dissolves in the 1920s


In this same year, Pinchot publishes The Fight for Conservation, a summary of his beliefs about the nature and importance of the conservation movement:

4Conservation means the greatest good to the greatest number for the longest time.

4It demands the complete and orderly development of all our resources for the benefit of all the people, instead of the partial exploitation of them for the benefit of a few.

4It recognizes fully the right of the present generation to use what it needs and all it needs of the natural resources now available, but it recognizes equally our obligation so to use what we need that our descendants shall not be deprived of what they need.

4It is the honorable distinction of the Forest Service that it has been more constantly, more violently and more bitterly attacked by representatives of the special interests in recent years than any other government bureau.


Between January and April, following a Joint Congressional Resolution, a Joint Committee of the Senate and the House holds hearings on the Ballinger-Pinchot controversy, investigating the activities of both the Department of Interior and the Forest Service; though dominated by politics, these investigations, eventually fill some thirteen printed.


June 26, Withdrawal Act, Congress authorizes the President to withdraw public lands from entry and reserve them for "water-power sites, irrigation, classification of lands, or other public purposes," but reaffirms its ban on the creation or enlargement of national forests in six Western states.


Congress passes a bill establishing Glacier National Park, Montana, 957,365 acres.


In an early attempt to come to grips with the growing problem of large-scale urban water pollution, Congress passes "An Act To prevent the dumping of refuse materials in Lake Michigan at or near Chicago."


June, Big Blackfoot Lumber Company is sold to Anaconda Copper Mining Company.


June 4, Forest Products Laboratory dedicated in Madison Wisconsin. (began operation on October 1, 1909)


Western Lumber moves from Lothrop, Montana (across the Clark Fork River from Alberton) to Milltown.


August 20, hurricane force winds blew fires burning over 3 million acres in Montana and Idaho. 85 people were killed, including 75 firefighters. Three days later there was snow on Mount Sentinel.



The SAF amended its constitution to add:

4To carry out more effectively the aims of the Society, Sections may be established wherever there are enough Active members to form a strong local organization.

4From available records it appears that the first Section to be organized is now what is known as the Northern Rocky Mountain Section. Then known as the Missoula (Montana) Section, it was formed in


The first chairman was F.A. Silcox and the first secretary was Robert Y. Stuart. (Both later became chiefs of the US Forest Service)


March 1, Weeks Act. (President Taft signed on March 1)

4Authorizes interstate compacts for water and forest conservation and Federal acquisition of land for the purpose of protecting watersheds of navigable steams; it also places large amounts of Eastern forest land under Federal jurisdiction for the first time. Nearly 20 million acres were purchased by 1960, with lands located east of the 100th meridian making up 13% of the 191 million-acre national forest system.

4Provides financial aid to efforts to protect timberlands at the heads of navigable streams from fire. 

4Section 2 authorized $200,000 to be used as federal matching funds for states having a forest protection agency, which met government standards.


The first of four important National Parks Conferences convenes at Yellowstone National Park to explore the need for a National Park Service.


Big Blackfoot Railway completed its line from Bonner to McNamara Landing


West Coast Lumberman’s Association was formed.


June 29, St. Joe National Forest, established, St. Maries, Idaho with 1,033,500 acres. Established from parts of Clearwater and Coeur d’ Alene National Forests. July 1, 1973, combine administratively with Kaniksu and Coeur d’ Alene as the Idaho Panhandle National Forest.


July 1, Selway National Forest established from parts of the Clearwater and Nezperce wit 1,802,000 acres. October 29, 1934, entire forest divided among the Bitterroot, Clearwater, Lolo and the Nezperce; name discontinued.


 The Governors' Conference on the Conservation of Natural Resources, organized by Gifford Pinchot and his associate "WJ" (as he preferred to style himself) McGee, whom Pinchot called "the scientific brains of the new [conservation] movement," and largely financed by Pinchot himself, is held May 13-15 at the White House, propelling conservation issues into the forefront of public consciousness and stimulating a large number of private and state-level conservation initiatives. The Conference's Proceedings are published in 1909.  A second such Conference is held at the end of the year to receive the  recommendations of the National Conservation Commission.  The National Conservation Commission, appointed in June by President Roosevelt  and composed of representatives of Congress and relevant executive agencies  with Gif  resources and presents Pinchot's concepts of resource management as a  comprehensive policy recommendation in a three-volume Report submitted to  Congress at the beginning of 1909. 

 An article by Robert Underwood Johnson in Century magazine, "A High Price to  Pay for Water," helps bring the Hetch Hetchy controversy to national 

 attention.  Congress begins several years of hearings and debate on the Hetch Hetchy  question; the transcript of a Hearing held before the Committee on the Public  Lands of the House of Representatives, December 16, 1908 suggests the scope of  public concerns.  President Roosevelt issues Proclamations establishing Muir Woods National  Monument, California, on land donated to the Federal government for that  purpose by civic reformer and future Congressman William Kent; Grand Canyon  National Monument, Arizona; Pinnacles National Monument, California; Jewel 

 Cave National Monument, South Dakota; Natural Bridges National Monument, Utah;  Lewis and Clark Cavern National Monument, Montana; and Wheeler National  Monument, Colorado.  The Land Classification Board is established within the U.S. Geological Survey  to classify natural resources systematically so as to determine their best  use.  Dallas Lore Sharp publishes The Lay of the Land, a particularly fine example  of the way in which the era's nature essayists brought the American romance  with pastoral nature into the dooryards of the nation's burgeoning suburbs,  sustaining an appreciation for wild things in an ever-more-urban people.  With financial support from the Russell Sage Foundation, and reflecting  renewed concern for the value of rural life in an increasingly urban nation,  President Roosevelt appoints a Commission on Country Life, headed by Liberty  Hyde Bailey and including Gifford Pinchot, to study problems of rural life and  recommend measures to ameliorate them; the Commission's Report, published in 

 1909, deals chiefly with social and economic issues, but also draws attention  to such conservation problems as soil depletion and deforestation. 


 President Roosevelt convenes the North American Conservation Conference, held  in Washington and attended by representatives of Canada, Newfoundland, Mexico,  and the United States.  Outlook magazine becomes a chief organ in the national campaign to save Hetch  Hetchy, publishing two editorials on the subject by its editor, Lyman Abbott.  The First National Conservation Congress is convened by the Washington (State) 

 Conservation Association; its Proceedings underscore the importance of private  conservation activity, including that of women's groups, at this time, and  highlight the energetic public response to the 1908 Governors' Conference.  Until 1915, these Congresses serve as annual forums for discussion and debate  among public and private conservation leaders, though they are eventually  undermined by internal squabbling.  Congress passes "An Act To create the Calaveras Bigtree National Forest,"  authorizing the acquisition of lands in California to protect stands of  Sequoia washingtoniana. 

 President Roosevelt issues a Proclamation establishing Mount Olympus National  Monument, Washington.  President Taft issues Proclamations establishing Oregon Caves National  Monument, Oregon, Mukuntuweap National Monument, Utah, and Shoshone Cavern  National Monument, Wyoming.  Under the influence of the work of the Inland Waterways Commission, Herbert  Quick publishes American Inland Waterways: Their Relation to Railway  Transportation and to the National Welfare; Their Creation, Restoration and  Maintenance, a broad overview which well illustrates how policymakers in this  era understood waterways development as an aspect of conservation.  For the next several years, conservationists appointed by Roosevelt turn to  the general public for support of their policies in the face of conflict with  Congress and appointees of President Taft; as a result, conservation gains  greater national attention, even as policy debates also increasingly involve  those more anxious to preserve natural resources for aesthetic/spiritual  reasons than to put them to practical use. 


 Having publicly levelled charges of official impropriety against Secretary of  the Interior Richard A. Ballinger, Gifford Pinchot is dismissed from 

 government service by President Taft and turns to pressing for implementation  of his policies through the National Conservation Association, which he had  founded the previous year (it in turn had developed out of the Conservation  League of America, which Pinchot had founded in 1908); Pinchot serves as the  Association's President from 1910 until it dissolves in the 1920s (its  official periodical, American Conservation, is published only from February to  August of 1911, before folding for lack of subscribers).  In this same year, Pinchot publishes The Fight for Conservation, a summary of 

 his beliefs about the nature and importance of the conservation movement.  "Conservation means the greatest good to the greatest number for the longest  time," Pinchot writes (p. 48); "it demands the complete and orderly  development of all our resources for the benefit of all the people, instead of  the partial exploitation of them for the benefit of a few. It recognizes fully  the right of the present generation to use what it needs and all it needs of  the natural resources now available, but it recognizes equally our obligation  so to use what we need that our descendants shall not be deprived of what they  need" (p. 80).  Between January and April, following a Joint Congressional Resolution, a Joint  Committee of the Senate and the House holds hearings on the Ballinger-Pinchot  controversy, investigating the activities of both the Department of Interior  and the Forest Service; though dominated by politics, these  investigations--which eventually fill some thirteen printed volumes--are also,  in historian Samuel Hays's words, "a gold mine of information about resource  affairs" in this era.  In the legislation known as the Withdrawal Act, Congress authorizes the  President to withdraw public lands from entry and reserve them for  "water-power sites, irrigation, classification of lands, or other public  purposes," but reaffirms its ban on the creation or enlargement of national  forests in six Western states.  Congress passes a bill establishing Glacier National Park, Montana. 

 President Taft issues a Proclamation establishing Rainbow Bridge National  Monument, Utah.  In an early attempt to come to grips with the growing problem of large-scale  urban water pollution, Congress passes "An Act To prevent the dumping of  refuse materials in Lake Michigan at or near Chicago".  Reflecting the surge of popular interest in conservationism in the wake of  events such as the 1908 Governors' Conference, several books published in this  period offer an overview of conservation issues for the general public; the  most notable of these include Charles Richard Van Hise's authoritative  Conservation of Natural Resources in the United States, published this year;  Mary Huston Gregory's broader-based Checking the Waste: A Study in  Conservation, published in 1911; Rudolf Cronau's 1908 jeremiad, Our Wasteful  Nation: The Story of American Prodigality and the Abuse of Our National  Resources; and Thomas Herbert Russell's Natural Resources and National Wealth  (also 1911), which includes a chapter on irrigation by Reclamation Service  Director F.H. Newell, and is particularly directed at businessmen.  John Burroughs, nearing the end of his long career as the preeminent  interpreter of nature to the American public, publishes In the Catskills:  Selections from the Writings of John Burroughs, a volume of nature-essays  about his home region originally published across four decades; it epitomizes  the literary and philosophical stance which sustained his popularity for  nearly half a century and influenced the work of a host of other  nature-essayists in an era when Americans were redefining their relationship  with the natural world.  By this time, conservationists primarily interested in nature as an aesthetic,  spiritual, or recreational resource join with sportsmen, railroads, travel  agencies, and highway associations to begin calling for the creation of a Park 

 Bureau in the Department of Interior to take charge of national parks.  1911  The American Game Protective and Propagation Association (usually referred to  as the American Game Protective Association) is founded by  sportsmen-conservationists with financial backing from gun and ammunition  companies; it advocates conservation for the purposes of sustainable hunting,  and reaffirms the role of sportsmen in the conservation movement.  Congress passes the legislation known as the Weeks Act, which (among other  provisions) authorizes interstate compacts for water and forest conservation  and Federal acquisition of land for the purpose of protecting watersheds; it  also places large amounts of Eastern forest land under Federal jurisdiction  for the first time; and provides financial aid to efforts to protect  timberlands at the heads of navigable streams from fire. 

 President Taft issues Proclamations establishing Colorado National Monument,  Colorado, and Devil Postpile National Monument, California. 

 John Muir publishes My First Summer in the Sierra, a reflective memoir  embodying his mature vision of nature's divine beauty and integrity, inviting 

 modern man to redemptive re-integration in a relationship of reverent love:  "No Sierra landscape that I have seen holds anything truly dead or dull... 

 This quick, inevitable interest attaching to everything seems marvelous until  the hand of God becomes visible; then it seems reasonable that what interests  Him may well interest us. When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find  it hitched to everything else in the universe. One fancies a heart like our  own must be beating in every crystal and cell, and we feel like stopping to  speak to the plants and animals as friendly fellow-mountaineers" (p. 211).  The first of four important National Parks Conferences convenes at Yellowstone  National Park to explore the need for a National Park Service (the others are held in 1912, 1915, and 1917); participants include officials of the Interior  Department and Forest Service, railroad representatives, and the owners of  park hotels and camps; the printed Proceedings of the National Park Conference  Held at the Yellowstone National Park (1912) reveal much about the parks'  evolving identity, public expectations about them, the pressures on them, and  the issues and dilemmas confronting them in this formative era.  Increasing concern for what became known as "human conservation," the impact  of environmental factors (especially in urban areas) on human health and  well-being, is reflected in the work of socially-concerned engineers and  scientists such as chemist Ellen H. Richards; in this year, she publishes  Conservation by Sanitation: Air and Water Supply; Disposal of Waste, a work  which is particularly concerned with the management of water pollution and its  effect on human health.  Former President Roosevelt's leadership in efforts to irrigate the West is  recognized at the dedication of the Roosevelt Dam on the Salt River in  Arizona; the contemporary importance of projects like the Roosevelt Dam is  later documented in film footage of the dam and its impact.